Valters Gencs

Advocate in Latvia / Lithuania / Estonia
Tel.: +371 67 24 00 90
Practice area
- Legal services in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia
- Taxation in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia
- Tax Consulting in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia
- Litigation in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia
- Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia
- Finance and Banking in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia
- Patents and Trademarks Law in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia
- Regulatory Compliance in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia
John Marshall Law School, Chicago, IL, USA; (LL.M., 1995);
Recipient of the U.S. Senator Edmund F. Muskie scholarship, (1994);
Institute of International Affairs (International Business Studies, (1994);
Law School of the University of Latvia (LL.B., 1993).
Work Experience
Founder of Gencs Valters Law Firm (since 2000);
Chairman of the Norwegian Chamber of Commerce in Latvia (2008 -2011);
Lecturer in the Stockholm's School of Economics in Latvia (2000);
Head of Tax & Legal department of Ernst & Young Latvia, Head of Tax ad hoc group of the Foreign Investors Council in Latvia (1998-2002);
Member of the Working Group on Intellectual Property Protection and Enforcement Issues appointed by Prime Minister (1999);
Member of the Working Group on Tax Law appointed by the Prime Minister (1997);
Welsh & Katz, Ltd., Chicago (1995);
Legal Counsel for Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia
- EUROPEAN TAXATION, 2007 (IBFD) International Income Tax Changes in Latvia;
- TAX ANALYSTS (USA) country correspondent;
- BNA World Intellectual Property Report;
- Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Trademarks in Latvia;
- EIPR International Bar Association, 1997.
Attorney in Latvia, Latvian Bar Association; Attorney in Estonia, Estonian Bar Association; attorney in Lithuania, Lithuanian Bar Association, International Bar Association, AIPLA; FICPI, ECTA;AIPPI; ES USA & CANADA; ITMA; INTA; MARQUES, GRUR, International Tax Planning Association; Latvian Patent Attorney, Latvian Trademark Attorney, Latvian Design Patent Attorney, Association of Latvian Patent Attorneys; European Patent and Trademark Attorney.
English, Latvian and Russian
Valters Gencs
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A propos de Valters Gencs
Sous différents aspectsb L'avocat Letton Valters Gencs est l'archétype de l'avocat modern - A étudier aux USA , Eait pret à prendre un risque commercial avec la création de sa firme qui à été prospère durant presque 16 années.
En savoir plus.
Notre Equipe
Notre équipe est constitué d'avocats, et de consultants financiers parmis les plus expérimentés et talentueux des Baltiques. Nos experts trouverons la solutions la plus adapté à votre situation.
Our knowledge
Nos connaissances
Gencs Valters Law Firm dispose de 15 ans d'experience pratiques dans les sevices légaux, la consultation fiscale, la fusion et l'aquisition, les lois fiscales, la consultation financière, les institutions, les lois fisclales, la propiété intellectuelle, ainsi que l'immigration et les litiges.