Estonia already exceed the entire 2019 immigration quota

The PPA (Police and Border Guard Board) began accepting applications from December 2018 for residence permits to be granted in 2019, and within the first few weeks, over 1,000 applications had already been submitted. By 2 January, the immigration quota for 2019 had already been exceeded.

In addition to employment under a residence permit, it is also possible to employ foreigners on a short-term basis on the basis of a visa. PPA recommends that employers use visa application and registration of short-term employment with foreign specialists.

Other possibilities

Those applying for residence permits for the purposes of study, EU citizens and their family members, and US and Japanese citizens do not fall under the limitations of the annual immigration quota. Likewise unaffected by the quota are those coming to Estonia to work in research, as teachers or in the ICT field, top specialists, or those coming to work for or launch a startup or are large investors. The immigration quota will also not affect those applying to come to live with family in Estonia.

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Estonia already exceed the entire 2019 immigration quota

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