What you need to know about Cryptocurrency license in Estonia 2021

March 17th, 2021 If you are considering applying for cryptocurrency (crypto) license in Estonia, you shall be familia... Read more

What you need to know about Cryptocurrency license in Estonia - 2021

March 17th, 2021 If you are considering applying for cryptocurrency (crypto) license in Estonia, you shall be familia... Read more

ElectronicMoney Institutions in Lithuania/EU – Client Risk Assessments

August 6th, 2020 As the Information and communication technology (ICT) and security risks for electronic payment inst... Read more

Anti-Money Laundering Rules in the Baltics Part II

July 10th, 2020 Read our previous article, where we started to discuss Anti-money laundering rules in Latvia. We wil... Read more

Anti-Money Laundering Rules in the Baltics

May 29th, 2020 To enforce the anti-money laundering rules in Latvia, the Financial Regulator (FKTK) has placed fine... Read more

Anti-Money Laundering Rules in the Baltics

May 29th, 2020 To enforce the anti-money laundering rules in Latvia, the Financial Regulator (FKTK) has placed fine... Read more

ElectronicMoney Institution EMI and SEPA in Lithuania and UK

May 29th, 2020 UK regulated Electronic money institutions are fully compatible with SEPA and will remain fully ope... Read more

New AML and KYC rules to ease business for Lithuania licensed companies

April 18th, 2019 Last week the Lithuanian Parliament debated the draft amendment of the Law on Money Laundering and T... Read more

Other reasons for FinTech licensing in Lithuania

January 21st, 2019 Republic of Lithuania offers the most advantageous conditions for entering financial & payment m... Read more

Estonian E-money Institutions Act

November 14th, 2018 The e-Money Institutions Act of Estonia was revised in 2018 which included additional requirements f... Read more

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