European arrest warrant in Latvia

A person located in the territory of Latvia may be extradited to a European Union Member State for the commencement and performance of criminal prosecution, trial, and the execution of a judgment, if the foreign state has taken a European arrest warrant in relation to such person, and the grounds for extradition exist.

European arrest warrant is an adjudication of a judicial authority of a European Union Member State that has been taken in order for another Member State to extradite a person for the commencement or performance of criminal prosecution or for the execution of a punishment related to the deprivation of liberty.

Person directing the proceedings or the court, which controls the execution of a judgment or decision to full extent, or the court, which decides on the substitution of punishment with deprivation of liberty, turns to the Prosecutor General’s Office with a written proposal to take a European arrest warrant.

The Prosecutor General’s Office adjudicates a proposal within 10 days, and informs the submitter of the proposal regarding the decision taken. If a person has been detained in a European Union Member State, the proposal shall be reviewed within 24 hours.

If grounds for taking a European arrest warrant have been established, the Prosecutor General’s Office takes European arrest warrant, which is not subject to appeal. 

Having received a European arrest warrant, the Prosecutor General’s Office shall organise an examination - whether grounds exist for the extradition of a person and whether the reasons exist for a refusal of the extradition of the person.

To find out more about criminal law and European arrest warrant in Latvia, please contact our lawyers at

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