Acquire Latvian citizenship

According to the Law on Citizenship from May 9, 2013 the dual citizenship is allowed in Latvia and Latvians living in the USA, EU and other countries, have the rights to apply for and receive Latvian citizenship while retaining other country citizenship is allowed.

There are following possibilities how the person can become citizen of Latvia.

Registration of Latvian citizenship

According to the Law persons who held citizenship of the Republic of Latvia before June 17, 1940 and their decedents, also persons and their decedents who submit supporting documents of living abroad from June 17, 1940 till May 4, 1990, to avoid occupation regime have rights to become citizen of Latvia.

1. Registration of citizenship of Latvian exiles

A Latvian exile is a person who meets all the following requirements:

  • was a citizen of Latvia on  June 17, 1940 (or is a descendant of Latvia citizen);
  • fled from Latvia the USSR or German occupation regime or was deported during the period from June 17, 1940 to  May 4, 1990;
  • was not been able to return to Latvia as a permanent resident until  May 4, 1990.

A decision on granting citizenship, or refusal to grant citizenship shall be taken by the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs within 4 months from the day all the necessary documents are submitted.

2. Registration of citizenship of Latvians and Livs

Latvians and Livs are persons who meet all the following requirements:

  • have an ancestor which in 1881 or later until June 17, 1940 lived in the territory of Latvia (territory as at 17 June 1940);
  • belong to the constituent nation (Latvians) or autochthon population (Livs);
  • have fluency in the Latvian language (completely understand daily and official information, are able to freely speak, communicate, answer questions on common topics).

A decision on granting citizenship or refusal to grant citizenship is taken shall be taken by the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs within one year from the day all the necessary documents are submitted.

Gaining citizenship status by process of naturalization in Latvia

The citizen of another country may, upon his/her request, be admitted to Latvian citizenship through naturalization procedures.

The following persons may be admitted to citizenship of Latvia under the naturalization procedure:

  • who have reached the age of 15;
  • whose permanent place of residence, has been in Latvia for not less than the last 5 years, of which an interruption of 1 year in total is permitted, but which cannot be during the last year before the day of submitting the application for naturalization. The 5 years period is counted from the day of receiving of a permanent residence permit or a permanent residence certificate;
  • knows fluently  Latvian language;
  • knows basic principles of the Constitution of Latvia;
  • knows text of Latvian national anthem, main facts about Latvian history and culture;
  • have legitimate source of income;
  • have declined previous citizenship;
  • have promised to be loyal to Republic of Latvia. 

Double citizenship in Latvia

Since October 1, 2013 it is possible to have a double citizenship, if certain conditions are met:

  • Double citizenship is possible for persons who have acquired citizenship of other state, that is part of European Union, European Free Trade Association, NATO or Australia, the Brazil Federative Republic or New Zealand or have received permission from Cabinet of Ministers to maintain citizenship of Latvia.
  • Latvian of Liv, whose predecessors in 1881 or later have lived in territory of Latvia, or exiles have the right to retain dual citizenship with any country.
  • Person who have become citizenship by process of naturalization cannot be double citizenship, exception is previously mentioned countries. 

To find out more about citizenship in Latvia, please contact our lawyers at

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Acquire Latvian citizenship

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