Financial service licences in Lithuania

Licence types in Lithuania

In Lithuania all the legal persons which are planning to engage in provision of financial investment services shall obtain a licence which is issued by the Central Bank of the Republic of Lithuania.

There are three types of financial investment licenses: A, B and C. Each licence is different in the scope of services that the licence owner can provide. 

Type A license covers the widest range of services: reception and transmission of orders; execution of orders on behalf of clients; dealing on account of the company; management of a financial instrument portfolio; provision of investment advice; underwriting and/or placing of financial instruments on a firm commitment basis; placing of financial instruments without a firm commitment basis; operation of a multilateral trading facility. 

Type B licence covers the following services: reception and transmission of orders; execution of orders on behalf of clients; management of a financial instrument portfolio; provision of investment advice; placing of financial instruments without a firm commitment basis;  

Type C licence covers the services including: reception and transmission of orders; provision of investment advice; placing of financial instruments without a firm commitment basis. Type C licence holders can manage of a financial instrument portfolio by passing on execution of orders, safekeeping, accounting and management of financial instruments to another brokerage firm. 

A financial investment firm can apply for all the activities which cover a certain licence or a part of the activities. 

Share capital requirements

In order to obtain a financial investment licence, the applicant shall comply with share capital requirements. Minimum share capital in order to acquire a type A licence is 730 000 EUR, type B licence – 125 000 EUR, type C licence – 50 000 EUR.

There are additional requirements to maintain certain share capital throughout the activities of brokerage firm in order to reduce risks. In addition, each brokerage firm shall prepare a capital adequacy assessment report.

Other requirements

A legal person which applies for a licence shall submit the following documents to the Central Bank of the Republic of Lithuania:

  1. Business plan;
  2. Information about the legal person (including Commercial Register extracts);
  3. Information about shareholders;
  4. Information about the manager of the legal person;
  5. Documents confirming that share capital has been paid as well as capital adequacy assessment report;
  6. Information about close relations with other natural and legal persons in the Republic of Lithuania;
  7. Information about close relations with other natural and legal persons in third countries;
  8. Description of the office and equipment;
  9. Documents confirming commitment to become a member of recognized investors’ insurance system;
  10. Information regarding financial brokers to be employed;
  11. Documents confirming payment of state fees;
  12. Documents and information confirming compliance with requirements for brokerage firms;
  13. Information regarding implementation of money laundering and terrorist financing prevention measures;
  14. Information regarding ability to provide data about transactions using Transaction Reporting System;
  15. Information about IT systems.

The Central Bank of the Republic of Lithuania adopts the decision to issue a licence or reject the application within 6 months from the provision of all the above mentioned documents.

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Financial service licences in Lithuania

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