EMI (Electronic Money Institution) for acquisition in European Union (Lithuania) and UK

EMI (Electronic Money Institution) for acquisition in European Union (Lithuania) – a remarkable opportunity for sale. If you are considering to acquire the E - Money license in Lithuania, it is the best time for the next steps for your business growth.

Further we are introducing you with the offer to obtain EMI in EU (Lithuania).

Amongst more than 130 licenses issued, why you should acquire Electronic money institution in Lithuania?

Key benefits:

  • Possibilities of clients safeguarding account with Central bank;
  • possibilities of connecting Centralink - direct SEPA connection via Bank of Lithuania, will cost 1 transfer 1 cent;
  • small fee to maintain license- about 0.4 per cent per year from calculated amounts.

Electronic money institution in Lithuania may be fully SEPA connected as per necessity and provide their services within EU and also internationally.

We are offering an opportunity to obtain E- Money license in Lithuania for 1.25 million EUR, plus you have to replace share capital about 400 000 EUR.

More details:

  • Signing SPA (Sales and Purchase Agreement), in 30 days after obtaining first clearance escrow 1.25 million EUR.
  • Time of approval by regulator - about 4 months.
  • To start process, proof of funds are required.

Possibility to acquire the E- Money license in UK buying 100% shares of the Company including:

  • Back office
  • Integrated KYC, AML, PEP & Sanctions module
  • UK current account with sort-code and account number
  • Prepaid MasterCard, BACS, CHAPS functionality
  • EUR wallets and SEPA can be enabled, so as cash deposit.

The company has LEI and a SWIFT as well. Any software will be supplied with global non-exlusive licence. Sales price of the Company 100% shares is 3, 5 million EUR.

If you are interested to acquire EMI (Electronic Money Institution) in European Union (Lithuania) or United Kingdom from zero, we will be glad to provide you our assistance.

To find out more detailed information about this opportunity and acquiring Electronic money institution in Lithuania do not hesitate to contact our lawyers in Lithuania at:



Tel.: +371 67240090

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EMI (Electronic Money Institution) for acquisition in European Union (Lithuania) and UK

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