Criminal Law in Latvia

Only a person who is guilty for committing a criminal offence - one who deliberately (intentionally) or through negligence has committed an offence which is established in Criminal Law and which has all the constituent elements of a criminal offence, may be held criminally liable and punished.

Application of the Criminal Law in Latvia

The liability of a person who has committed a criminal offence in the territory of Latvia shall be determined in accordance with Criminal Law of Latvia.

If a foreign diplomatic representative, or other person, who, in accordance with the laws in force or international agreements binding upon the Republic of Latvia, is not subject to the jurisdiction of the Republic of Latvia, has committed a criminal offence in the territory of Latvia, the issue of this person being held criminally liable shall be decided by diplomatic procedures or in accordance with bilateral agreements of the states.

Latvian citizens, non-citizens and foreigners who have a permanent residence permit in Latvia, shall be held liable in accordance with the Criminal Law of Latvia, for an offence committed in the territory of another state or outside the territory of any state irrespective of whether it has been recognized as criminal and punishable in the territory of commitment.

Defence Counsel

In Latvia defence counsel can be sworn advocate practicing in Latvia who implements the defence in criminal proceedings, or in a specific stage or separate procedural action thereof of a person who has the right for defence. 

To find out more about criminal law and defence in Latvia, please contact our lawyers at

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Criminal Law in Latvia

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